Our Services

Below you can find details on our services, all of which are delivered with the utmost care, compassion and respect. Should you require any more information please don’t hesitate to contact us with any queries you may have. If you require our services please call our admin staff to book an appointment today.

If you are planning a pregnancy you may have concerns, medical conditions or past medical or obstetric history that may impact on this. Dr Sylvester is highly experienced in managing high risk, medically complex pregnancies and subsequent pregnancies in those who have experienced pregnancy complications or pregnancy loss previously. 

A preconception counselling appointment can help to optimise your chances of a successful pregnancy, make a management plan for your pregnancy and address any concerns you and your partner have before your pregnancy begins. Helping you to feel relaxed and confident about planning your pregnancy. Once you conceive, you can then choose to return to Dr Sylvester for your pregnancy management. This means that you will be cared for by a familiar team who understands you and your medical and pregnancy history.

Dr Sylvester is available to manage patients with complications of early pregnancy such as bleeding, pain, miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, hyperemesis and any other complaints in early pregnancy that you may have. Urgent appointments will always be accommodated where possible and we may be able to see you the same day.

We are more than happy to see you even if your pregnancy is not booked yet and there is no obligation to book with us for your ongoing pregnancy. We will communicate any results to your chosen provider.

A definitive ultrasound will be conducted by Dr Sylvester at these appointments to show you what is happening, meaning your questions will be answered immediately and you do not need to see an external ultrasound provider as well.

Whatever your diagnosis Dr Sylvester will then make a management plan for your pregnancy. This may include booking your pregnancy or returning to routine antenatal care, if you wish to book with Dr Sylvester we would be honoured to look after you. Or a series of monitoring Ultrasounds will be booked and carried out with us so that you do not need to repeat your story or see different practitioners.

If, unfortunately, you have a diagnosis of a miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy Dr Sylvester will manage your ongoing care herself- including surgical options such as a D&C or laparoscopic surgery. We will communicate with your GP for you to ensure continuity of care and provide you with a clear plan for your recovery and future pregnancies. 

Dr Sylvester takes bookings for pregnancy management, this involves all the care you require from the beginning of pregnancy right through to your postnatal check. 

Once you have decided to have your pregnancy managed by us you will attend for an initial appointment, ideally at 6-10 weeks. You will meet Hannah and Carolyn the Midwife and get to know the people who will be supporting you and your family throughout your pregnancy journey.

An ultrasound will be carried out to confirm your pregnancy and dates and show you your babies heart beating, you will get a photograph of this. A full medical, family and pregnancy history will be taken, results of any blood tests and ultrasounds will be reviewed and a plan made for the ongoing pregnancy. At this appointment we will discuss your options for genetic carrier screening for you and your partner, antenatal screening for your baby (the Harmony test, NIPT or combined First trimester screening) and your schedule of ultrasounds along with any additional investigations specific to you. These tests will then be arranged and we will see you in person to discuss the results. 

You will be seen regularly in the rooms throughout your pregnancy, usually every 4 weeks to begin with and more frequently towards the end of the pregnancy. An ultrasound is performed at every appointment to show you how your baby is developing, we measure the growth and show your their little face and their heart beating. Formal growth and anatomy Ultrasounds are required in addition to this. 

Dr Sylvester carries out vaginal and Caesarean section deliveries at St John of God Murdoch Hospital where she is supported by highly experienced labour ward midwives, a 24-hour onsite theatre, consultant anaesthetists and a level 2 Neonatal Intensive Care Unit staffed by consultant neonatologists. As her rooms are in SJOG Medical centre she is never far away and will be present when required, your electronic monitoring is sent directly to her phone and computer so you can trust that you are constantly being monitored as your labour progresses. 

Your postnatal stay will be on St Mary’s ward where you will receive exceptional care from the team of midwives and lactation consultants. You will have a private room and your partner can stay with you throughout. You’ll both be treated to delicious room service food and be guided through the first few days of newborn life. Upon discharge you will be offered home visits from the midwifery service. 

Delivery planning is extremely important to ensure you and your partner are informed and empowered to make the right choices for you and your baby. Dr Sylvester welcomes discussions regarding the delivery that is right for you and making sure you feel confident in your care and the choices you make.

Should you require delivery at less than 34 weeks your care will be transferred to King Edward Memorial Hospital due to the NICU level requirements. However, Dr Sylvester will keep in contact with you, visit you on the ward and discuss management with the treating teams and be of assistance where appropriate. 

An appointment will be made at about 6 weeks following your delivery. This is an excellent time to debrief on the delivery and check up on your health in the fourth trimester. We also discuss other services which may be of use to you such as physiotherapy, lactation support, paediatricians and perinatal mental health. All of which are easily accessible within the St John of God Murdoch facility.

This is also a good opportunity to discuss future pregnancy planning and to have a cervical screening test if required. 

And of course, we love to catch up with your new little one as well!